Become Gluten Free : Celiac – Step One Begin Now

Who is Momsypoo?

My name is Kerry, aka Momsypoo.  I decided to start blogging. Everyone is blogging today so why listen to me? A specific way of cooking can be found on my blogs.  This particular cooking is gluten free. I can share how to actually cook gluten free food that people will love to eat!

Why are we Gluten Free?

My daughter was diagnosed as having Celiac Disease.

Gluten is in everything your own!

My house is totally gluten free. I bought a new stove and toaster, and that is something people don’t think about.  If anyone in your family has been recently diagnosed with Celiac, please go buy yourself a new toaster today. The particles of wheat floating around in the toaster can make them extremely sick!

If there are non-celiac people in the house then there may be a need for 2 toasters.  We personally have decided all bread in the house will be safe for my daughter. She will never get accidentally poisoned.  YES! To her and to others gluten is poison!  Please start thinking of it that way.

We realized how dangerous allergies can be!

Now back to Me…  I am a stay-at-home, wife and mother of 3.  I have taken my daughter to so many doctors that we have lost count!

My daughter has been complaining of a belly ache since as long as I can remember.  It wasn’t until we finally made it to Stanford that she was actually diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Click here for symptoms.

Severe stomach ache.
Severe stomach ache.

Gluten free is a fad that people are trying now and I don’t quite understand it.  Eating this new genetically modified wheat is something people need to look at, but it isn’t for everyone.  Cutting gluten from your diet completely may potentially make you gluten intolerant so I say this to my readers… Please see your doctor for advice. Visit Stanford Health Care.

Seek medical advice from your doctor.
Seek medical advise from your doctor.

I have been cooking gluten free for approximately 8 years now! WOW! I didn’t realize it had been that long! No wonder I’m good at cooking.

Here are some pictures of my gluten free cooking!
Turkey with Gluten Free Stuffing.
Turkey with Gluten Free stuffing.
Gluten Free Christmas cookies.
Gluten Free Christmas cookies.
Gluten Free Homemade pizza.
Gluten Free Homemade pizza.
Homemade Gluten Free bread.
Homemade Gluten Free bread.
I can show how to make your food tasty again!

When we first started this endeavor we looked everywhere for food for my baby girl. It was hard and powdery and tasteless.  Admit it, we have all experienced gluten free and few are worth ever trying again.

Well, now you’ve found me, Momsypoo.  I will be sharing with you how to cook food that your family, friends, and anyone you call a loved one will actually love to eat.  Many packaged foods are scamming you! This will become easier to notice when your gluten free journey begins.  I will also, be showing you how to read an ingredient label. The words “gluten or wheat” will stand out within seconds.

Please check back as we follow this journey together.

See you soon!

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